
The foundation of everything we are and do as a church is the gospel–the good news that though we are alienated from God through our rebellion and sin, God has provided forgiveness and embrace through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Because we are saved purely by God's grace, his unearned favor, we are now free to respond to God with lives of gratitude and to extend grace to others.



The Bible is God's written word to us and so we stand under its authority.  It alone is the ultimate source and corrective to our theology and our life together.



We embrace historic, orthodox Christian belief as expressed in the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed.  We also stand in the tradition of Reformed Theology as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms.


Because we believe that God calls us to be in connection with other churches, we are connected to the Catawba Presbytery (our regional association of churches) and nationally to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.